November 26, 2021
by wcook

Crystals, Gems, Beads, & Baubles pre-Christmas Sale

Saturday November 27, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Iris Center, 160 Sunset Drive, Frederiction (click here for poster)

Join Wendy and Shiona for your shopping needs and explore this beautiful collection of carefully curated and ethically sourced rough and polished crytals and gemstones. You will find unique gift ideas for Christmas, including handmade beaded jewelry by Rachel Barrett.

All items CASH ONLY please.

COVID protocols will be in place for your comfort and protection including proof of vaccination required at the door.

August 30, 2020
by wcook

Mediumship Workshop with Val Williams — Postponed

Please Note, this workshop has now been rescheduled for August 2022 to assure in person teaching. We look forward to Val visiting Fredericton and invite you to look for more details, exact dates and times, on this site. (FYI- the descritpion from the initial offering is below. Dates will be differnet but the course will remain the same.

Description from initial offering: The Iris Center is pleased to be offering an Online Mediumship Workshop with internationally renowned medium and teacher Val Williams. Please set these dates aside and register early for this Progressive Mediumship Workshop September 26-27, 2020 9:30-4:30 Atlantic Time.

See the Brochure here and for more details and to Register in advance …. £121.32 GBP (approx. $210 Can) per person

Val will also be sharing a Demonstration of Mediumship, Online, on September 19, 2020 3:30-5:00 pm Atlantic time. Join Val for an afternoon of messages from loved ones in Spirit. See the Brochure here and more details or to Register please visit … £16.50 GBP (approx. $28.75 Can) per person.

Val Williams is an internationally renowned medium and teacher. Val has known Spirit since she was a child, her Grandmother and great Grandmother both being mediums. For 38 years she has taught students how to develop their mediumship with confidence in a nurturing non-competitive environment. You can learn more about Val at her website:

April 19, 2020
by wcook

Zoom sessions to support you and your practice (living)

Please Note: These sessions have now returned to their usual schedule of 5:30 -7:00 pm the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month. I will send the Zoom link to all who have indicated their desire to be on the distribution list a few hours before the session so please watch for it 🙂 I look forward to seeing you and sharing with you.

This experience with COVID-19 pandemic is most certainly new, full of uncertainty, yet also pregnant with opportunity … opportunity for us to slow down, reflect on our values and what’s most import, and to “wake up”, to get to really know ourselves and who we are at our core. Even though “waking up” can’t be planned or made to happen and despite the fact we might practice, nothing specific leads to such waking up, as spiritual teacher Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche has pointed out “Awakening is an accident. Being forced to get in touch with your deepest fears and identity may make you more accident prone”, and this is exactly the opportunity we are facing if we wish to take it.

As a starting point i have recorded my first ever guided practice video for you …. click here for the link …. and invite you to explore just being. Also, as those of you who have attended our Mindfulness & Conscious Living Program know, we have a Self-care Maintenance Program (SCMP) that is offered twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Mondays from 5:30-7:00 pm. Thes have been on hold due to the pandemic social distancing and as this looks like it will continue for some time yet I will begin to offer these SCMP sessions at the usual time (5:30) and will, for the time being, to provide extra support for our patients who have particpated in the Mindfulness & Conscious Living Program and also for anyone else who might want to explore mindfulness practice as part of their coping and living well with this pandemic challenge, offer these every Monday at 5:30 vis Zoom videoconferencing starting April 27th. If you are interested in this opportunity to join in with and practice with others please email me at and I will send you a link to tthe Zoom session which will include a link to download the Zoom app if you don’t have it (it is free and you can uninstall anytime you want) as well as the metting ID and the specific password for the session. For added security, I will send a new Zoom invitation each week by email so watch for it if you are interested.

In the meanwhile please feel free to return to the guided meditation above and practice as often as you are inclined.

Also if any of you are feeling unsettled and overly distressed and would like some help please feel free to call the office, 452-7116, or email, , for assistance.

Cheers, blessings and be safe,


March 19, 2020
by wcook

Social Distancing

Given the current situation with Covid-19 virus and what we now know about it (is more deadly than regular flu and up to 15% who get sick will need hospitalization, for every 1 confirmed positive there are 10-50 others who also actually have it – and may not know it yet – and without social isolation are spreading it, without social distancing everyone who has it spreads it to at least 2.5 others and infection rate doubles every 3 days so becomes exponential in just a couple of weeks) our most effective action to slow the spread and effect of Covid-19 is intense and strict Social Distancing. Since Monday March 16, all yoga, group sessions and individual appointments at the Iris Center and Dr. Cook’s practice have been cancelled. We have begun offering these individual appointments through video conferencing on Zoom and also for some by telephone. We are looking into how we might continue to provide some of the group sessions by Zoom as well.

If you are feeling unsettled and overly distressed and would like some help please feel free to call the office, 452-7116, or email, info@iriscenter, for assistance.

Please continue to check our What’s New post for further information and updates. In the meanwhile, soft belly breathe to help you feel settled, be responsible, think of others and take good care of yourself.


March 10, 2020
by wcook

Intro Session tonight rescheduled

The Introduction to MindBody Medicine Program session tonight will be rescheduled for next Tuesday March 17th at 7 pm due to the freezing rain and potentially unsafe driving conditions tonight. We look forward to seeing next week. Be safe 🙂

February 27, 2020
by wcook

Iris Center activities Thursday Feb. 27

The Mindfulness and Conscious Living Group this morning will continue as usual, 9-12.

The Mindfulness and Conscious Living Group this afternoon is cancelled due to the unsafe travel conditions expected and we will be contacting you about rescheduling.

Yoga with Wendy this evening is cancelled due to the inclement weather.

Also, Wendy will be taking a break from her Yoga class for a few weeks so please stay tuned here to What’s New for details on when Yoga with Wendy will resume.

Blessings and be safe.

February 8, 2020
by wcook

Retreat today still On

Good New Brunswick Morning,

For all attending our All Day Retreat today, we plan to continue and invite you to arrive at the Center as soon as you are able around 9:00 but we will delay getting formally started until 9:30 to accommodate the travel.

See you soon,


February 7, 2020
by wcook

Office Closed Today Friday February 7th

Due to the unsafe travel conditions for all of us today, the office will be closed and appointments rescheduled ASAP.

The Education/Orientation Session will be rescheduled with the session in March, Friday 13th 1:30-4:30.

Be safe if you need to be out and about.

Dr. Bill Cook