Pregnancy, Childbirth and Parenting
Parenting begins from the moment of conception. Childbirth is a milestone: an opportunity to draw on inner resources to experience this time as it is. In this evidence based prenatal class you will learn about:
• Comfort Tools for Labor and Beyond
• Pain Management Options, Traditional Medical Options and C-section births.
• Postpartum Recovery and Newborn Care
Classes are offered from the heart by Shelley Langmaid, BN, CAPPA Certified Childbirth Educator, CAPPA Certified Educator Trainer
Shelley is a mother of three children who has been teaching prenatal classes in our community for 15 years. Shelley is passionate about family centered, holistic care. She holds a Bachelor of Nursing degree from UNB Fredericton and has been certified as a childbirth educator and a childbirth educator trainer by the Childbirth and Postpartum Professionals Association. Shelley is a certified Roots of Empathy educator and a long-time yoga practitioner.
Next Class: Thursday, Jan. 28, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11
Time : 7:00 pm – 9:15 pm each evening
To register: email Shelley at or call 292-8891
Cost: $90