August 1, 2018
by wcook

Upcoming Events August 2018

Suzanne Giesemann … Serving Spirit Class: Level one

We are very pleased to announce that renowned author, metaphysical teacher, and evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will be coming to The Iris Center Greenhouse Studio August 25-26, 2018. Suzanne will be offering A Hands-On/How-To Course in Evidence-Based Mediumship. There are only  a few seats left so register now.   

Call The Iris Center, 457-4747, for more details; or, to learn more about this program and register for it online, go to Suzanne’s  website: Serving Spirit Class: Level One

See poster here SS1 Fredericton 2018

June 18, 2018
by wcook

Summer Morning Meditation with Wendy

Please join Wendy in the Greenhouse Studio for  a period of reflection and meditation from 9:00 to 9:45 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting July 3rd. No prior experience is needed and all supplies, including chairs are available. Wear comfortable clothing for sitting and walking, both inside and outside.

June 18, 2018
by wcook

Thank You, Thank You

We have had a very successful month at the Iris Center first with a wonderful response to PsychicMedium Anthony Mikilojeski in May then we were so blessed by the volunteers, sent to us by The United Way  for their “Day of Caring”, from Service NB, GNB Financial Dept. , Ginger Design, STU Social Work students, and Enbridge.  They worked along with our staff, who we cherish, graciously all day on our landscape which had been quite affected by the flood preparing it upcoming events. We had a well attended and much appreciated non-residential weekend retreat with insight meditation teacher Heather Martin from Salt Spring Island, BC the second weekend of June and  a great turn out with wonderful weather for Yoga Day this past Saturday. We held 5 yoga sessions and raised over $600 for Nature Trust NB.  Thank you all for your generous attendance and sharing in all these events.  We are very gratefully.


Bill and Wendy


May 22, 2018
by wcook

Upcoming Events

Summer Insight Meditation Non-Residential Retreat

We are very pleased again to have vipassana teacher Heather Martin guide a summer non-residential retreat in the Greenhouse Studio.  Heather will be here June 8-10th, 2018 and as last year the retreat will be held Friday evening 7-9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9-5.  Please bring a bag lunch on Saturday and  Sunday as mindful eating will be an integral part of our practice. Click here for more details and call The Iris Center at 506-457-4747 to register. As last year, there will be a small, reasonable, base tuition ($140) to cover expenses and an opportunity to offer Dana (generosity) to Heather to support her ongoing teaching.   We look forward to having you join us for this our second annual summer weekend mindfulness retreat.

Retreat Registration Form

Yoga Day 2018

Saturday, June 16th is Yoga Day in Fredericton.  Once again The Iris Center will be hosting several yoga experiences with Wendy, Rachel and Bill, both in the outside Greenhouse Studio by the Beaver Pond and in the Center Studio.  Click on link below for schedule and details.  All donations directed to Nature Trust New Brunswick 🙂 


Suzanne Giesemann … Serving Spirit Class: Level one

We are very pleased to announce that renowned author, metaphysical teacher, and evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will be coming to The Iris Center Greenhouse Studio August 25-26, 2018. Suzanne will be offering A Hands-On/How-To Course in Evidence-Based Mediumship. Call The Iris Center, 457-4747, for more details or learn more about this program and register for it online from Suzanne’s  website: Serving Spirit Class: Level One

May 8, 2018
by wcook

Yoga with Wendy on Hold

I would l to thank you all for your faithful attendance and support and understanding as I have decided to put my yoga class on hold indefinitely while my broken wrist heals and we recover from the flood.  Please stay tuned here for updates on other classes and for the renewal of my classes.  Be well.




May 4, 2018
by wcook

PsychicMediumship Experience this weekend

PsychicMedium Anthony Mikilojeski is here this weekend for group psychicmediumship platform experience.  We had planned for two sessions over the weekend but due to flood and other circumstances we will have only one session on Sunday afternoon in the Iris Center studio from 2-4 p.m..  Space will be limited so please purchase your ticket ahead as only limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

For those interested in a private reading with Anthony, there are a few appointment times remaining please call The Iris Center, 457-4747, or email Wendy at for details.

April 15, 2018
by wcook

Upcoming Events of Note

Psychic Mediumship Experience

We are very pleased to welcome Psychic Medium Anthony Mikolojeski back to The Iris Center from May 3-11, 2018. to Anthony will be offering private reading sessions on Thursday May 3rd, Tuesday May 8th, Wednesday May 9th, Thursday May 10th, and Friday May 11th.  For details and to book an appointment with Anthony please call The Iris Center at 457-4747.

Anthony will also be offering two small intimate group Psychic Mediumship Platform sessions in The Iris Center Greenhouse Studio on Saturday May 5th and Sunday May 6th from 2-4 p.m. Tickets ($35 purchased prior to May 5th and $45 at the door if seating available) are available through The Iris Center. Please call 457-4747 for more details and to reserve a ticket.

We are also very pleased to that Anthony will be participating in the annual Palliative Care Conference in Saint John on Friday May 4th, 2018.

Summer Insight Meditation Non-Residential Retreat

We are very pleased again to have vipassana teacher Heather Martin guide a summer non-residential retreat in the Greenhouse Studio.  Heather will be here June 8-10th, 2018 and as last year the retreat will be held Friday evening 7-9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9-5.  Please bring a bag lunch on Saturday and  Sunday as mindful eating will be an integral part of our practice. Click here for more details and call The Iris Center at 506-457-4747 to register. As last year, there will be a small, reasonable, base tuition ($140) to cover expenses and an opportunity to offer Dana (generosity) to Heather to support her ongoing teaching.   We look forward to having you join us for this our second annual summer weekend mindfulness retreat.

Retreat Registration Form

Susanne Giesemann … Serving Spirit Class: Level one

We are very pleased to announce that renowned author, metaphysical teacher, and evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will be coming to The Iris Center Greenhouse Studio August 25-26, 2018. Suzanne will be offering A Hands-On/How-To Course in Evidence-Based Mediumship. Call The Iris Center, 457-4747, for more details or learn more about this program and register for it online from Suzanne’s  website: Serving Spirit Class: Level One

April 5, 2018
by wcook

No Yoga with Bill this Sunday April 8

Hi All

I apologize for the disruption in the weekly flow of our classes this cycle but it has been unavoidable.  I anticipate the remainder of the cycle through till June will be less so. Yoga class will resume next week April 15th at 9:30.  In the meanwhile keep practicing your 5 Tibetans, Sun and Moon Salutations, and meditations 🙂 .  Be well.

