Wendy’s early morning meditation is now over for the fall. Thank you all for your sharing in this. Please stay tuned for further information on future schedule and consider Yoga and Meditation with Bill on Sunday mornings from 9:30-12:00.
🙂 Yoga and Meditation practice with Bill will start this Sunday October 30th at the usually time of 9:30-12:00 🙂 These classes, though drop-in, will run more or less continuously until June and the theme this year is on Transformative Experience through Practice so please consider a commitment to practice and attendance. All are welcome and modifications freely invited and offered. Practice will emphasize chanting, breathing, mindfulness, and intentions. All classes are offered out of generosity and donations are gratefully accepted to help keep it all going.
Hello All , Please note that this Tuesday October 25th will be the final yoga class for Wendy’s Tuesday and Thursday sessions for this fall cycle. There will be No class on Thursday October 27th. Wendy will resume her Winter classes in December for those that want pre-Christmas time for relief 🙂 and will continue on after New Years. Please stay tuned here for the Winter schedule. Thank you for your attendance and kind support for the Iris Center.
Wendy will begin her fall schedule of meditation and yoga next week with daily (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, not Thursday) Meditation practice from 8:00-8:45 a.m. on September 19th and Mindful Yoga classes on Tuesdays from 9:00-10:30 a.m. starting on September 20th and Thursdays from 5:00-6:30 p.m. starting on September 22nd. Classes will be held in the Greenhouse Studio as long as the weather permits so please dress accordingly, be prepared to layer on and layer off and consider bringing a blanket 🙂 Hope to see you there.
(Stay tuned for details in Yoga with Bill Sunday morning class.)
Short reminder that there will be no Maintenance Session this Monday August 22nd. Sessions will continue as usual second and fourth Mondays of each month in September.
Please call the Iris Center 457-4747 to register for this half day silent retreat with Wendy. Mindfulness practices to centre and ground us and open the doors of the heart and mind to acceptance and healing.
Come to the Greenhouse Studio and explore Petite Retreat – Spark Your Revolution
Sunday August 14th – Friday August 19th 2016
Sunday August 14th – 7 – 9 pm
Monday August 15th – 6 – 650am
Tuesday August 16th – 6 – 650am
Wednesday August 17th – 6 – 650am
Thursday August 18th – 6 – 650am + Full Moon Ceremony 7 – 9pm
Friday August 19th – 6 – 650am
Optional add ons
Monday and Wednesday evening 5-630pm
Saturday morning 9-1030am
Morning meditations with Wendy – Monday to Friday 7 – 745am
#SparkYourRevolution Instagram challenge August 15-30
The Petite Retreat is the opportunity to explore an in depth retreat experience all the while continuing your normal day to day schedule. This is the perfect occasion to investigate the power of integrating daily practice into your everyday.
Most importantly through experience we expand our opinions of what is possible.
If you are ready to recharge, refresh and reinspire this week is for you!
Morning classes are a 50 minute energizing game changer to start the day.
Mindful breath, movement and reflection soaked in gratitude and trust.
For those who have to hustle off to work – know class will have you out on time – for those wishing to stay, Wendy’s meditation from 7-745am is the perfect add on!
Sunday evening will set your personal foundation for the week.
While the Full Moon Ceremony on Thursday evening will invite our community to come together for a mindful movement and stillness in celebration of the Light
Investment: $180
Location : The Iris Center – 160 Sunset Drive Fredericton North
Wendy will be offering a half day silent retreat on Sunday, August 14th, for those interested in deepening their meditation practice and commitment. The retreat will start at 8:00 am and finish at 12:00 pm and will include sitting and walking practice and simple pointers for deepening our practice and understanding. Look forward to seeing you there. Please call the Iris Center, 457-4747, to register. as with our other programs this program is offered for the the benefit of all with donations gratefully accepted to offset costs and make further offerings possible.