February 15, 2017
by wcook

No Yoga Thursday

Hello, please not that given expected weather conditions on Thursday Yoga with Wendy will be cancelled and will continue as usual next week. Thank you for understanding and be safe if you are out and about.

Namaste,  Wendy

February 13, 2017
by wcook

Office Closed Monday February 13th

Since I can barely see the street at the end of the driveway  🙂 our office will be closed for the day including tonight’s Self-Care Maintenance Program session. Office appointments will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Please be safe in any necessary travel.

February 8, 2017
by wcook

Feb 8 office open afternoon & evening

Conditions at the Center are good and the we are open for afternoon office appointments and this evening’s Mindfulness & Conscious Living session will proceed as planned. However, as usual, use your own judgment and drive safely given the conditions facing you.


February 8, 2017
by wcook

Office closed until Noon

Good Morning, Dr. Cook’s office will be closed for patients until noon and we will continue to assess the conditions and  provide updates on office status and this evening’s Mindfulness and Conscious Living session as the day unfolds.  If you are out and about, be safe 🙂


Bill Cook

January 25, 2017
by wcook

MCL Session Tonight Jan 25th Cancelled

Hi All in the Wednesday evening Mindfulness and  Conscious Living Program.  Due to the poor road conditions and the numbers of participants who live a distance away and have already indicated they will not be able to make it in  tonight we feel that it is best to cancel tonight’s session.  Please take some time to practice and continue with your “practice matters” homework over the coming week.

We will add the make-up evening to the end … March 1st. 🙂

Be Well,

Bill & Wendy

January 7, 2017
by wcook

Iris Center Yoga – Winter 2017

Happy New Year One and All 🙂

Sunday Morning Yoga with Bill will resume tomorrow January 8th 9:30-12:00 and continue as usual, weekly, through till June with only the odd interruption for retreats.  Our general theme this cycle is Transformation … Yoga for transformative experience, and all are welcome.  Look forward to seeing you.

Thursday Evening Yoga with Wendy will resume this Thursday January 12th 5:00-6:30 pm and continue weekly with odd interruption for retreats. All are welcome.

Please stay tuned for details on Tuesday Morning Yoga with Wendy.


November 20, 2016
by wcook

Self Care Maintenance Program

Reminder for all those graduates of the Mindfulness and Conscious Living Program that there will be no Maintenance Program session the fourth Monday of November (28th) and that sessions will reconvene in December as usual, second Monday, December 12 but not on Boxing day, December 26th.

You might consider taking the time you planned to set aside to attend these session to do your own practice 🙂



November 20, 2016
by wcook

No Sunday Yoga with Bill for next 2 weeks

Hi All,  Just a quick reminder that there will be no Sunday Morning Yoga for the next two weeks and that classes will resume the second Sunday of December (11th) and we’ll get a couple of classes in before the Xmas and New Years break.

Wendy’s classes will also get started in early December so watch for that post 🙂

